Yogyakarta Sultanteis a Javanese monarchy in the Special of province of Yogyakarta,Indonesia.After the conflict, the Mataram Sultanate was split in two based on the treaty of Giayanti of February 13, 1755: Yogyakarta Sultanate and Surakarta Sultanate.The Giyanti Treaty mentioned Prince Mangkubumi as Sultan of Yogyakarta, with the title of Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengkubuwono Senopati Ingalaga Abdul Rakhman Sayidin Khalifatullah Panatagama (His Majesty, The Sultan-Carrier of the Universe, Chief Warrior, Servant of the Most Gracious, Cleric and Caliph that Safeguards the Religion).The Dutch Colonial Government arranged for the carrying out autonomous self government, arranged under a political contract. When the Indonesian independence was proclaimed, the rulers, the Sultan of Yogyakarta and Prince of Pakualaman made a declaration they would become part of the Republic of Indonesia. Those two regions were unified to form the Yogyakarta special region and the sultan became the Gouvernor of Yogyakarta and the Prince of Pakualaman as the vice-governor; both were responsible to the President of Indonesia. The Special Region of Yogyakarta was created after the independence war ended and legalized on August 3, 1950.