Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo
The existence of Kraton in Yogyakarta makes the people living in Yogyakarta area still uphold cultural values and traditions. As part of the effort to preserve traditions, ceremonies and rituals still routinely performed by the general public and the Kraton. Although many of these cultural activities, is now only a mere ceremony, and lose his soul the main, these ceremonies could still get its own place in the hearts of the community. So each time carried out always get a rousing welcome. One of the many traditional ceremonies will be undertaken by the Sultan Kraton is Labuhan procession.
Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo a ritual that was held regularly at the Beach Parangkusumo every 30 months of Rajab in the Javanese calendar. This ritual is held in commemoration of Jumenengan Dalem (coronation) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. At first, a tradition carried out by Panembahan Senopati Labuhan, the first king of Mataram, as a sign of gratitude and respect Senopati against Queen of South and Ruler of Merapi for their assistance in the process of establishing the kingdom of Mataram. In addition, this ritual is also held to commemorate the services of small people who have helped Senopati opened Mentor Alas, the precursor to the kingdom of Mataram. Then he fixed the next generation to preserve the tradition of this Labuhan. Basically the core of the procession Labuhan Alit is melarung Parangkusumo the remains dalem goods (the Sultan) and offerings to the sea as offerings to the ruler of the South Seas. Sultan’s belongings that floated include clothes, fabrics, hair pieces, and cut nails, money, and oil which are all contained in jodhang (stretcher). After the goods are interred in Cepuri Parangkusumo, then be washed away at sea by Abdi Dalem. In this process usually visitors will ngalap blessing with scrambling throw themselves into the sea and tried to get the goods.
Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ceremony at the opening is typically a series of other Labuhan ceremony. In addition to the Parangkusumo, the Kraton also hold processions Labuhan at Mount Merapi (Labuhan Merapi), Mount Lawu, and also in Dlepih. Fourth place used to establish Labuhan symbolized the four cardinal points. For those of you who like a cultural event, followed the procession Labuhan could be an option to get a lot of new experiences.
Unlike Lawu Labuhan Labuhan Merapi and implemented in the mountains, Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo was conducted at the edge of the beach to the accompaniment of gamelan and the crash of waves and the sound of wind blowing. Travelers who want to follow the procession Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo not have to walk up, menerabas forests in order to reach the crater that used to melarung offerings, but simply follow the course of the servants from the beach.
Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo procession usually begins with the submission of ubo rampe (equipment) Labuhan by Raden Tumenggung Kanjeng Sumowijoyo as the envoy of Sri Sultan HB X to the representatives of Bantul Regency Hall Kretek sub-district the day before the execution of Labuhan Alit. Next ubo rampe the form of goods Sultan and offerings were brought to the marquee Parangkusumo before being led into Cepuri Parangkusumo. Sacred places, measuring approximately 15 x 15 m with 2 pieces of black rock wall behind the fence is believed to be a meeting with Queen of South Sultan. Further in this Cepuri will be held ritual prayer with two rock faces, led by caretaker.
Travelers who want to watch it can simply wait Labuhan in Parangkusumo coast. From the beach you can see the movement of a convoy of courtiers who brought jodhang containing goods offerings and the Sultan. Arriving at the beach, the goods will be washed away in the waves that hit the coast. Shortly after the goods floated, people who still believe in the tradition of blessing ngalap will plunge himself into the sea to get the Sultan’s possessions. Rampe Ubo Labuhan is believed will bring good luck and penglarisan for anyone who get it.
For photography enthusiasts, Labuhan Alit is a perfect moment for a photo hunt. Colorful offerings brought by the servants who wear complete Javanese costumes, coupled with cloud blue background and the ocean will produce beautiful pictures. Therefore, for those who will witness Labuhan Alit please ensure your battery is in a state of full and empty camera memory. Because, there will be many objects that you can shoot. After watching Labuhan Alit, you can resume your activity with playing around on the beach.
Parangkusumo Beach is located adjacent to Parangtritis. Therefore, it is administratively located in the Village Beach Parangkusumo parangtritis, District of Kretek, Bantul, DI Yogayakarta. Located about 30 kilometers south of Yogyakarta, with good facilities and paved roads are wide enough, making the location of the implementation of Labuhan Alit is easy to visit. From the center of Yogyakarta city you live down the street Parangtritis. Approximately 40 minutes drive you will arrive in the village of Parangtritis. After heading retribution, you then turn to kananm continue mengukuti road until arriving at Cepuri Parangkusumo.
You do not bring personal vehicles to ride public transportation from the terminal Giwangan. From this terminal, you use public transport route serving the Yogyakarta-Parangtritis. You do not need to switch vehicles, because this transport will take you to the sub terminal Parangtritis. Jogja-Parangtritis freight rates amounting to Rp 10,000.00 (2010). From Parangtritis, Parangkusumo Beach can be reached by walking along the beach. This trip will not be felt long because both the beach side by side and there is no any barrier that separates the two. If the sun is shining hot and you are reluctant to walk away, you can ride a mini gig or carriage that is widely available in Parangtritis.
To follow the procession of tourists Labuhan Alit no specific charge. However, since the location is on the implementation of Labuhan Alit Beach Parangkusumo, the tourists must pay an entrance fee to the coastal region of Rp 3000.00 per person (2010). Retribution for motorcycles amounted to Rp 500.00, Rp 1000.00 car, and bus tour Rp 2,000.00. In addition to these costs, each person also will incur an insurance surcharge of Rp 250.00. So, if you come alone on a motorbike, then you will be charged a levy fee of Rp 7,000. Distinct advantage for travelers who ride public transportation, because tourists do not need to pay admission.
Parangkusumo Beach as the location for the implementation of Labuhan Alit is one of the favorite tourist destinations in the province of Yogyakarta, therefore there are many facilities that will facilitate tourist. The facilities available at the Beach Parangkusumo include lodging and inns, public toilets, mosque, school, restaurants, and stalls selling various souvenirs and clothing. In addition to these facilities, the South Coast region also contains the control tower and a team of SAR (Search and Rescue) who are always on guard in coastal areas to warn visitors if one is playing the waves are too far into the middle.
Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo a ritual that was held regularly at the Beach Parangkusumo every 30 months of Rajab in the Javanese calendar. This ritual is held in commemoration of Jumenengan Dalem (coronation) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. At first, a tradition carried out by Panembahan Senopati Labuhan, the first king of Mataram, as a sign of gratitude and respect Senopati against Queen of South and Ruler of Merapi for their assistance in the process of establishing the kingdom of Mataram. In addition, this ritual is also held to commemorate the services of small people who have helped Senopati opened Mentor Alas, the precursor to the kingdom of Mataram. Then he fixed the next generation to preserve the tradition of this Labuhan. Basically the core of the procession Labuhan Alit is melarung Parangkusumo the remains dalem goods (the Sultan) and offerings to the sea as offerings to the ruler of the South Seas. Sultan’s belongings that floated include clothes, fabrics, hair pieces, and cut nails, money, and oil which are all contained in jodhang (stretcher). After the goods are interred in Cepuri Parangkusumo, then be washed away at sea by Abdi Dalem. In this process usually visitors will ngalap blessing with scrambling throw themselves into the sea and tried to get the goods.
Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ceremony at the opening is typically a series of other Labuhan ceremony. In addition to the Parangkusumo, the Kraton also hold processions Labuhan at Mount Merapi (Labuhan Merapi), Mount Lawu, and also in Dlepih. Fourth place used to establish Labuhan symbolized the four cardinal points. For those of you who like a cultural event, followed the procession Labuhan could be an option to get a lot of new experiences.
Unlike Lawu Labuhan Labuhan Merapi and implemented in the mountains, Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo was conducted at the edge of the beach to the accompaniment of gamelan and the crash of waves and the sound of wind blowing. Travelers who want to follow the procession Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo not have to walk up, menerabas forests in order to reach the crater that used to melarung offerings, but simply follow the course of the servants from the beach.
Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo procession usually begins with the submission of ubo rampe (equipment) Labuhan by Raden Tumenggung Kanjeng Sumowijoyo as the envoy of Sri Sultan HB X to the representatives of Bantul Regency Hall Kretek sub-district the day before the execution of Labuhan Alit. Next ubo rampe the form of goods Sultan and offerings were brought to the marquee Parangkusumo before being led into Cepuri Parangkusumo. Sacred places, measuring approximately 15 x 15 m with 2 pieces of black rock wall behind the fence is believed to be a meeting with Queen of South Sultan. Further in this Cepuri will be held ritual prayer with two rock faces, led by caretaker.
Travelers who want to watch it can simply wait Labuhan in Parangkusumo coast. From the beach you can see the movement of a convoy of courtiers who brought jodhang containing goods offerings and the Sultan. Arriving at the beach, the goods will be washed away in the waves that hit the coast. Shortly after the goods floated, people who still believe in the tradition of blessing ngalap will plunge himself into the sea to get the Sultan’s possessions. Rampe Ubo Labuhan is believed will bring good luck and penglarisan for anyone who get it.
For photography enthusiasts, Labuhan Alit is a perfect moment for a photo hunt. Colorful offerings brought by the servants who wear complete Javanese costumes, coupled with cloud blue background and the ocean will produce beautiful pictures. Therefore, for those who will witness Labuhan Alit please ensure your battery is in a state of full and empty camera memory. Because, there will be many objects that you can shoot. After watching Labuhan Alit, you can resume your activity with playing around on the beach.
Parangkusumo Beach is located adjacent to Parangtritis. Therefore, it is administratively located in the Village Beach Parangkusumo parangtritis, District of Kretek, Bantul, DI Yogayakarta. Located about 30 kilometers south of Yogyakarta, with good facilities and paved roads are wide enough, making the location of the implementation of Labuhan Alit is easy to visit. From the center of Yogyakarta city you live down the street Parangtritis. Approximately 40 minutes drive you will arrive in the village of Parangtritis. After heading retribution, you then turn to kananm continue mengukuti road until arriving at Cepuri Parangkusumo.
You do not bring personal vehicles to ride public transportation from the terminal Giwangan. From this terminal, you use public transport route serving the Yogyakarta-Parangtritis. You do not need to switch vehicles, because this transport will take you to the sub terminal Parangtritis. Jogja-Parangtritis freight rates amounting to Rp 10,000.00 (2010). From Parangtritis, Parangkusumo Beach can be reached by walking along the beach. This trip will not be felt long because both the beach side by side and there is no any barrier that separates the two. If the sun is shining hot and you are reluctant to walk away, you can ride a mini gig or carriage that is widely available in Parangtritis.
To follow the procession of tourists Labuhan Alit no specific charge. However, since the location is on the implementation of Labuhan Alit Beach Parangkusumo, the tourists must pay an entrance fee to the coastal region of Rp 3000.00 per person (2010). Retribution for motorcycles amounted to Rp 500.00, Rp 1000.00 car, and bus tour Rp 2,000.00. In addition to these costs, each person also will incur an insurance surcharge of Rp 250.00. So, if you come alone on a motorbike, then you will be charged a levy fee of Rp 7,000. Distinct advantage for travelers who ride public transportation, because tourists do not need to pay admission.
Parangkusumo Beach as the location for the implementation of Labuhan Alit is one of the favorite tourist destinations in the province of Yogyakarta, therefore there are many facilities that will facilitate tourist. The facilities available at the Beach Parangkusumo include lodging and inns, public toilets, mosque, school, restaurants, and stalls selling various souvenirs and clothing. In addition to these facilities, the South Coast region also contains the control tower and a team of SAR (Search and Rescue) who are always on guard in coastal areas to warn visitors if one is playing the waves are too far into the middle.