Taman Sari Yogyakarta or Yogyakarta Palace is a site of the former park or garden palace (royal garden) Sultan Palace. This can be compared with the Bogor Botanical Gardens Bogor Palace gardens. This garden was built during the time of lane I (HB I) in the years 1758-1765/9. Initially, the park gets the title of “The Fragrant Garden” has an area of more than 10 acres with about 57 buildings in the form of buildings, swimming baths, a suspension bridge, canal water, and artificial lakes and artificial islands and underwater tunnel. Gardens are used effectively between 1765-1812 is the first complex stretches from southwest to southeast Kedhaton Magangan complex. But today, the remnants of the Taman Sari, which can be seen only in complex southwest Kedhaton only.That said, Taman Sari was built in the former palace of old, Garjitawati Guesthouse, which was founded by Susuhunan Pakubowono II as a resting place that will train a horse go to Imogiri. As a leadership development projects instituted Tumenggung Mangundipuro Taman Sari. All development costs incurred by the Regent Madison, Tumenggung Prawirosentiko, besrta entire people. Therefore exempt from Madiun district tax levies. In the midst of the leadership development project was taken over by Prince Notokusumo, after Mangundipuro resign. Although officially a royal garden, but the existing building and keeping indicates Taman Sari serves as the last bastion if the palace was attacked by the enemy. It is said that one of the architects of this garden is a Portuguese empire better known as the Demat Tegis.
Complex Taman Sari at least can be divided into 4 parts. The first part is an artificial lake which lies to the west. The next section is a new building in the south of the artificial lakes such as bathing Bannerman Binangun. The third part is Pasarean Ledok Sari and Swimming Garjitawati located in the southern part of the second. The last part is the eastern part of the first and second and extends eastward to southeast Magangan complex.
The first part
The first part is the main part of Taman Sari in his time. In his day, this place was the most exotic. This section consists of an artificial lake called “Segaran” (literally = artificial sea) as well as buildings in the middle, and buildings and parks and gardens which surround the artificial lake. In addition to maintaining various types of fish, artificial lake Segaran also functioned as a place to canoe the Sultan and the royal family. Now this is no longer an artificial lake filled with water but has become known for its dense residential village park. The buildings were left in very poor condition.
In the midst of Segaran there is an artificial island, “Pulo Kenongo”, who planted trees Boxwood (Kananga odorantum, family Magnoliaceae). On top of these artificial islands set up a two-story building, “Gedhong Kenongo”. The biggest building in the first part is quite high. From the bridge of highs people can observe the Palace of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas to the outside of the fort baluwarti. It is said Gedhong Kenongo consists of several rooms with different functions. From a distance the building is like floating on the water. Therefore not surprising that later Taman Sari dubbed with the name “Water Palace” (Water Castle). At present (January 2008) this building ruins lives alone.
To the south of Pulo Kenongo deratan small building there called “Tajug”. This building is a tower of air ventilation for the tunnel under the water. This tunnel is the entrance to Pulo Kenongo besides using the canoe / boat sailed the artificial lake. Formerly in the western part of the artificial island there is also a tunnel, but his condition is now less manicured than the south tunnel.
To the south of Pulo Kenongo again there is an artificial island called “Pulo Cemethi”. Two-story building is also referred to as “Pulo Panembung”. This is where the Sultan is said to meditate. There is also a call as “Well Gumantung”, because in the south there are wells that hangs above the ground. To get to this place supposedly in is through an underwater tunnel. Currently this building debris rerutuhan also lived alone.
Meanwhile in the west of Pulo Kenongo there are buildings shaped like a circular ring called a “Wells Gumuling”. This two-story building can only be entered through a tunnel under the water. Well Gumuling traditionally said to be used as a mosque. On the second floor was found a niche in the wall which is said to be used as a sanctuary, where the imam leading the prayer. In the middle of the building that is open, there are four levels of ride and meet in the middle. From the fourth meeting these levels there is one more level to the second floor. Under the four-level meeting is that it seems there is a small pond used for ablution.
Part Two
The second section is located south of the artificial lake Segaran most part relatively intact compared to other parts. The part that is maintained while the building of parks and gardens in this section no longer remains. Now this section is the main part of the much visited by tourists.
Arch Gedhong Hageng
“Gedhong Hageng Gate” is the main gate of the garden of the kings of his day. At that time the Taman Sari facing toward the west and extends eastward. Gate is located in the westernmost part of the palace sites remaining water. The east side of the main door can still be seen while its west side is covered by dense settlements. Gates that have some space and is decorated with reliefs of two levels of birds and flowers that show in the completion of Taman Sari in the year 1691 Java (about AD 1765 AD).
Gedhong Lopak-lopak
In the east of the main gate of the ancient castle there octagonal pages. Formerly in the middle of this page stands a two-story tower named “Gedhong Lopak-lopak”, another version called gopok-gopok. Now (January 2008) This building no longer exists. On this page only remaining row of giant flower pot and the doors that connects this place with other places. The door on the east side of the octagonal page is one of the gates to Bannerman Binangun
Pennant Pasiraman
“Bannerman Pasiraman” or there is a call to “Bannerman Binangun” (another version of “Bannerman Winangun”) is a bathing pool for the Sultan, his wives, and their daughters him. The complex is surrounded by high walls. To get to the place is provided by two gates, one on the east side and one on the west side. Inside this gate there is a decreased level. In the complex there are three pieces Bannerman Pasiraman pool is decorated with mushroom-shaped fountain. Around the pool there is a giant flower pot. Besides the pool there are also building on the north side and in the middle of the south.
Building on the far north is a place of rest and change clothes for the daughter and wife (concubine). In the south there is a pond called by the name “Bannerman Muncar”. A similar street pier into the boundary between this pond with a pond in south-called “Blumbang Drain”. In the south there Kuras Blumbang building with a tower in the middle. Building west wing is the place to change clothes and east wing to break the Sultan. The tower in the middle of the Sultan is said to be used to see his wife and his daughter who was in the shower. In the south of the building there is a pond called “Bannerman Binangun”, a bathing pool which is devoted to the Emperor and empress alone. In his day, in addition to the Sultan, only women are allowed to enter into this complex.
Gedhong Sekawan
In the east there is a page pennant pasiraman octagonal. In the yard is decorated with a row of giant flower pot stands four similar buildings. Bnagunan is known as the “Gedhong Gang”. This place used to break the Sultan and his family. On each side of the page there is a door connecting it with other pages.
Gedhong Gapuro Stage
In the east there are pages octagonal building called the “Stage Gate Gedhong.” This building has four levels, two on the west side and two more on the east side. Previously in this building there are four dragon statues, but now only the remaining two pieces only. Gedhong Stage Gate symbolizes the year construction of the Taman Sari, 1684 Java (approximately 1758 AD). Also in this building there is a relief decoration as in Gedhong Hageng Arch. The east side of this building is now the site entrance of Taman Sari.
Gedhong Temanten
In the southeast and northeast gate Gapuro Stage building there called “Gedhong Temanten”. This building was used as a security guard on duty and rest area. According to a reconstruction Taman Sari in the south of this building there is a building that is now no longer have the scars while on the north side there is the garden which also has turned into settlements.
Part Three
This section is not a lot of scars that can be seen. Therefore the description in this section largely come from existing reconstruction. This first part covers the Complex “Pasarean Ledok Dalem Sari” and Complex pool “Garjitawati” and several other buildings and parks / gardens. Pasarean Ledok Dalem Sari is the remainder of this section that remained intact. Pasarean Ledok Dalem Sari was the place where the Sultan together Pemaisurinya contest. Another version says as a place of meditation. The building is shaped like a U. In the hands of the Sultan of the building there is a bed which flows beneath the water flow. A kitchen, living tailor, goods storage space, and two pools for the waiters as well as the garden of spices, fruits, and vegetables is estimated to be part of this. On the western side there was a pool complex Garjitawati. If that were true then this complex is the remainder of pesanggrahan Garjitawati and most likely also a Umbul Pacethokan ever used by Panembahan Senopati.
Part Four
This last part is a part of Taman Sari, which practically does not remain longer than the former suspension bridge and the rest of the pier. Description in this section is almost entirely a sketch of a reconstruction of the attack the British troops to Sultan of Yogyakarta in 1812. This section consists of an artificial lake and building in the center, the park around an artificial lake, a large canal which connects it with an artificial lake artificial lake in the first part, and a garden. Artificial lake complex situated in the southeast to northeast Magangan Siti Hinggil Kidul. In the center there is an artificial island that supposedly called “Pulo Kinupeng”. On top of the island stands a building that is supposedly called “Gedhong Ivory”. This high-rise buildings called tower city (Cittadel Tower).
There is a large canal on the northwest side of the artificial lake and stretching to the west and ending at the southeast side of the artificial lake in the first part. In this channel there are two alleged narrowing as the location of a suspension bridge. One of these bridges are on the road that connects the complex Magangan with Kamandhungan Kidul. Traces of this bridge can still be seen, although the bridge itself has disappeared. In the west there is a suspension bridge pier sebuag. Pier was reputedly used as a starting point Sultan trip into Taman Sari. It is said the Sultan entered the castle with a canoe. To the south of Canal there is the garden. This garden is located on the west side of South Kamandhungan complex and Siti Hinggil Kidul. Now all the places it has become settlements. The garden has turned into a village Ngadisuryan whereas artificial lake turned into a village Segaran.